MSP Sensors hardware agent


FREE hardware agent with sign-up
A $55 value!


Flexible pricing, solid solution.

MSP Sensors is geared specifically for managed services providers. Tools like the network monitoring overview map show all locations being monitored in real-time, highlighting locations experiencing problems. RAS provides remote access without opening firewall ports.

Mix software and hardware

Add software and hardware agents in any combination that works for your customers, with flexible pricing and tiered discounts.  Just 10 licenses to get started.  The more you install, the more you save.

The support you need

MSP Sensors is easy to use but has lots of features. Email, phone, and video conferencing support is included to get you started. We’ll work one-on-one with someone at your location, training them how to customize the service to work best for your environment.

No learning curve

No steep learning curves, each agent has its own dedicated reports and data can be aggregated using Excel or other software.

No large upfront budgets are required, simply add as needed. Support included.

Licenses and discounts

Our licensing system is designed to be flexible and easy to manage:

  • One License per Agent: Each license is tied to a single agent (also referred to as a ‘location’ which could be a department or one or more floors within a building).
  • Install Freely: You can install as many agents as you require.
  • Full Dashboard Control: From the dashboard, you can choose which of your agents are licensed at any time.
    For instance, if you have 30 agents installed, and have 15 licenses, you can assign up to 15 licenses to any installed agents.
    Change as needed, apply licenses only to agents you need reports from. Unlicensed agents have data collection temporarily paused.

Our goal is to ensure you have the exact amount of coverage you need, with the flexibility to adapt as your organization changes.


Our software can be downloaded and deployed quickly, which is a great solution when you need to start monitoring immediately.

We support Windows, Linux, ARM, and others.

A simple three-step install and in minutes, the agent will begin monitoring the Internet connection. 

View our hardware options here



Discounts applied as licenses added/removed

Count Monthly
1 – 10 $6.00
11 – 20 $5.50
21 – 30 $5.00
31 – 40 $4.75
41 – 50 $4.25
51 – 100+ $4.00

Add RAS / Environment sensor

Our hardware agents offer additional features such as Remote Access Service (RAS) which provides remote access to LANS without opening firewall ports.

Our Environmental sensing agents both monitor Internet and provider while adding environmental reports into the dashboard where the agent is installed.

Data options are available within the app when using RAS and / or sensors.

Learn about our environment sensor enabled agents.

View our hardware options here



Monthly subscription model

A minimum of 10 license counts is required to start and must be maintained.
Adding and removing counts can be changed as needed from the dashboard after the initial purchase.

To monitor fewer than sites, our consumer and small business version, can be a solution.
Try our demo found at this link. The Overview map is not enabled in the demo.