Internet disruption alerts
in near real-time

Get notified in under 30 seconds about disconnects, outages, slow speeds, environmental issues, and more at CPE and remote sites. Discover connectivity issues before your customers do.


Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi and more.

Monitor Internet outages with Windows and Linux softwareDownload software agents and start monitoring immediately or order our always-on hardware agents. Mix and match both options depending on need.



Hardware agent provides always on Internet monitoringNo server available? Our hardware agents are self updating, on the job 24/7, never missing a thing. Nothing to install, everything is built in.

Built-in DNS server for redundancy, monitors wired or wireless including LTE, 4G, and 5G services.

Scales Affordably

Grow at your pace without breaking your budget, whether you have 10 or 10,000 clients. White label your own offering.

Set Access Levels

Add/remove admins, give customers view access only as you continue to manage controls for them. Quickly see which customers are having issues.

Alerts Your Way

Text, email or dashboard: fine grain controls over alert levels and frequency. Track disconnects, outages, slow speeds, unauthorized open ports and more.

Simple to Deploy

Download our software or install a hardware agent. Either way, it takes under 3 minutes per site. Mix software or hardware as needed.

More than LAN/Wan Monitoring

  • Mix software and hardware agents
  • Add cameras and sensors to hardware agents
  • Monitor disconnections, outages, slow speeds
  • Remote access without opening firewall ports
  • Control remote power outlets, relays, and more
  • Monitor web services inside and out
  • Download CSV reports as needed
  • Remote monitoring with add-on USB camera 
  • Monitor wired or WiFi, LTE, 4G, 5G services
  • Automatically monitor for unauthorized open ports 

Enable Security Scan

Automatically monitor for unauthorized open ports or devices, servers, services that become unreachable. This option continuously checks locations where agents are installed and alerts team members to any problems. 


DDNS (Dynamic DNS)

DDNS can be enabled for any agent. Team members don’t need to remember changing IP’s because a convenient URL is placed in each agent dashboard when DDNS is enabled and the agent is in Active status.

Flexible notifications 

Enable, disable, or customize the types of alerts and method of notification for each location to track what’s important to you.  Choose combinations of email, dashboard alerts, and optional SMS that works for each client.

Automatic Speed Testing

Shows ongoing baseline test of download, upload speeds, and latency for each location. Agents automatically run speed tests based on various conditions. Results are shown in each agent dashboard. Average speeds are shown in the agents list. Low bandwidth alerts can also be set.

Historical Trends

Internet downtime adds up in time, money, and productivity losses. Accountability ends mystery problems and finger-pointing. Hard facts are shown for each location monitored. CSV files can be used to further correlate data across all locations.

Overview Map

The enterprise overview map shows all locations whose status needs attention, whether it is a disconnect, unauthorized open port, change in environmental conditions, or other issues. Click on the map location pin to drill into the details.  Learn more.

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